Monday, October 29, 2012

First Birthday

Little B is a year old! How time flies. It seems like not too long ago that I was getting up from the hospital bed and painfully walking over to the NICU to visit my new baby. She finally came home with us 11 days after she was born. Back then Little B was so fragile and helpless. A far cry from the independent, energetic, talkative but incoherent, curious and sweet baby she's turned into in just a year.

And so, to celebrate a year of love, immense joy and poopy diapers, we threw her a small party. There weren't any other children, because they had prior engagements, but our closest friends and family came.

I made a tutu and stenciled a onesie for her to wear. She toddled around, holding up one finger whenever asked how old she was.

[caption id="attachment_236" align="aligncenter" width="870"] I'm One![/caption]

I DIY-ed the decorations, with the help of some Etsy purchases.

We practiced blowing out a candle the day before the party, to no avail. And of course a few days later she started blowing on her own.

Photo c/o Caleen

She had her first taste of icing, which she loved. I dipped her finger into the icing and put it in her mouth. She didn't need much encouragement after that!

I suppose it was more for me and the Coach than it was for her, because we ended the party way past Little B's bedtime!

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